Today my wonderful editor Felicia A. Sullivan did an interview with me. Here's how it went down.
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1. The first question is, are you tired of answering the same old questions in interviews?
Not yet – this is my first interview since releasing my book.
2. Have you always wanted to be a writer, or did you just kind of fall into it?
When I was seven years old, one day at school I wrote several little... stories on a whim. Since that day, I’ve wanted to be a published author. Last week, thirteen years later, that dream came true.
3. What’s your process? Do you have a set writing schedule, or do you wing it?
I more or less wing it, but I’m aspiring to have a schedule so I can increase my productivity. As soon as I can, I want to treat writing like any other job – that means long, consistent hours. If I do this on a smaller scale first, maybe sometime in the next ten years I could write full-time.
4. What is your favorite genre to read? To write?
Both fantasy. I really don’t dabble much, but one book that I sped through outside my genre was “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time”. I actually read that faster than I read my usual fantasy. But don’t get me wrong, I’m a slow reader.
5. What was the first book you wrote, and how successful was it?
The first book I wrote was Aundes Aura, and I released it last week. Since then, I’ve earnt enough money for a couple of coffees.
6. How do you spend your time when you are not writing? Do you have any interesting hobbies?
When I’m not writing, I browse the internet and read about writing and publishing. I’m studying an Advanced Diploma of Music, so part of my spare time is also spent practicing piano.
7. Does your family support your writing dreams/career/goals?
I still have to tell my mum, “I can do that in half an hour. Right now I’m working.” But they are very supportive. So supportive, in fact, that when I told them I’d published my first book, they got me a cake and a card.
8. How many books have you written, and which one is your absolute favorite?
I’ve just written one so far, but I’m already well into the next installment, Three Bridges. What’s that thing everyone says? “My favourite book is always the one I’m working on.” That.
9. Do you read reviews of your books? How do they affect you, whether positive or negative?
I don’t have any reviews yet, but I intend to read them. The negative ones may niggle at me, but I think it’s important to take pride in the positive ones, and take any good criticisms I can from the negative ones. One thing I have to remember is to never, ever respond to a review.
10. You know the last question always is: Do you have any advice for aspiring authors? So yeah, answer that, but then tell us (whether you write in the genre or not) your plan for riding out the zombie apocalypse.
Advice for aspiring authors . . . finish things. You can’t earn anything from a half-finished project.
My plan for riding out the zombie apocalypse . . . take a boat to the middle of the ocean.
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Aundes Aura is available on Kindle here at Amazon.
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